5 essential home improvement tips for the winter period

5 essential home improvement tips for the winter period

Posted by Connor Heaps on

If you can’t bear the thought of dropping tools for the festive season don’t fear! The good news is that just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you have to wait until the new year to tackle your next home improvement project. We’ve compiled some of our favourite winter home improvement tips for the winter period, so if you’re looking for a reason to get back into your garden, work shed or garage, look no further! Let’s get started…

1. Organise and declutter your workspace

Winter is the perfect time to organise your workspace and get it back in order ready for the new year to start. Take the opportunity to declutter and throw out anything you no longer need. For example, old or broken pieces of equipment that have accumulated and are taking up space.

Spend time sorting through your tools and organise them back into their correct homes. When it comes to the items you no longer need, make an effort to get them down to the recycling centre to prevent them turning into next year’s clutter.

This is a great way to get yourself organised and you’ll win some space back in the process! Go one step further by restoring steel tools with a little help from Jenolite rust remover before putting them away.

2. Get your garden winter-ready

Weeding, digging up annual plants and trimming back perennials are just a few of the garden maintenance tasks that can be completed before and during winter. It’s also a great time to look at general garden tidying and repair, or larger renovation and clearance jobs that you didn’t have time to carry out in growing season.

We recommend looking at garden repairs before the coldest, wettest weather sets in, for example if your shed has a leaky roof or you have a faulty garden gate or fence, now is the time to give it attention.

If anything in your garden appears to be suffering from rust it’s essential to look at this now to prevent it getting worse over the winter’s adverse weather conditions. Pressure washing slippery paths, clearing drains and preparing your garden tools for storage are also recommended.

If you have garden furniture that needs to be put away, give it a good clean and store in dry conditions to prevent rust forming.

3. Tackle those smaller indoor projects

This time of year is perfect for those restoration projects that are small enough to conduct in your garden, work shed, or garage. Turn the space into your own winter grotto and concentrate on those tasks you’ve had little time to do, but can be done over the winter months.
Ideas include undergoing maintenance on or restoring rust on cars, bikes, and tools. Just think, refurbishing your bike now means less time to spent on servicing in the new year when you’re ready to get back out and hit the tracks!

4. Give your car some attention

Winter brings with it wet weather and road salt that can be damaging to cars. Take some time to give your car some maintenance to protect it over the winter period. Washing your car, ensuring the inside is clean and dry, oiling underneath and waxing the body work are just a handful of things you can do to help prevent the formation of rust over winter. If you spot rust on your car however, our Jenolite rust remover range can restore it easily with no problem.

5. Plan ahead for next year

If you’re all out of tasks or would prefer to wait until the spring to get back into project mode, make the most of quiet time by assessing the work you did this year, and plan out what needs to be done the next.

Reviewing your home improvement tasks and working up a plan of action in advance will help you to plan realistically for the year ahead. Create the ultimate checklist by breaking projects up into manageable tasks that can be ticked off as they’re done. Don’t forget to make a list of tools, materials, paint or cleaning products you need so that when the time comes, you just need to get them ready!

Are you planning any winter DIY tasks or refurbishment projects? Let us see your restorations over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! If you’re in need of a rust remover, converter or primer, you can buy Jenolite online right here.

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